Are you my doctor?

No, while we are physicians, we are not acting as your doctor. We are explaining and helping you understand the treatment plans your health care providers have developed for you. We believe that helping you understand your medical conditions will empower you to take control of your healthcare and make informed decisions.

Will you refill medications?

No, we are not replacing your health care provider. Any refills you need will need to be requested from him or her.

Can you be my new doctor?

No, the physicians at Doc Envoy are your liaison between your doctor and you. We are not seeing patients in a traditional sense.

Is this service covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, the patient advocate services provided by Doc Envoy are not covered by insurance at this time.

How can I start working with DocEnvoy?

Schedule a discovery call with us to see if we are a good fit. If you decide to work with us, you will send us your medical records. From there we will translate your records into plain English you can easily understand.